Wine – installing the latest version on Ubuntu/Linux mint/Debian/Fedora

Wine (originally abbreviated as “Wine Is Not the Emulator”) is a compatibility level that allows you to run Windows applications on several POSIX-compatible operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, and BSD. Instead of mimicking the internal logic of Windows, such as a virtual machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls on the fly, eliminating the loss of performance and memory of other methods and allowing neat integration of Windows applications into the desktop.

How to install Deepin OS

Deepin is a Debian-based Linux distribution. Deepin uses its own working environment, which is really good. The Deepin desktop environment has a blurry transparency effect, and in fact, this is not found in any distribution. This is very similar to Apple Mac OS. The pre-installed software by default is also developed by the Deepin project, so it is well integrated with the operating system and works flawlessly.

How to easily create a bootable flash drive using Ventoy

Ventoy is a fairly new open source tool for creating bootable USB drives using Linux or Microsoft Windows ISO files.

You install this tool on a USB stick, then just copy the ISO images to the USB stick and you can boot from it without any other changes (so there is no need to reformat the USB stick every time you want to create a bootable USB stick, and without having to extract the contents of the ISO file).