Ubuntu Mate 20.04 LTS – What’s New!!!

Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS represents 2 years of continuous improvement of MATE Desktop and Ubuntu MATE itself.

Ubuntu MATE 19.10 Interim Release is the most widely used interim release to date! All this became possible only thanks to a special group of QA testers who joined the Ubuntu MATE team and coordinated their activities with the developers.

How to create a file in Linux

On Linux, we can create a new file in the terminal, or from the file manager on the desktop.

Knowing how to create a new file is an important skill for anyone who regularly uses Linux.

eDEX-UI – Cool Terminal Emulator for Linux

eDEX-UI is a cool sci-fi inspired terminal emulator that looks great with tons of options like system monitoring. Let’s take a quick look at what he offers us.

You probably already know a lot of funny Linux commands. And what could be more interesting than the Linux command line? Of course, the terminal shell itself.

How to Enable Wobbly Windows Effect on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Wobbly windows were in fashion when I first started using Linux (indeed, they are part of why I started using Linux). But this feature has gone out of fashion and is not available on the GNOME desktop, which includes Ubuntu.