Manjaro 20.0 Lysia

Manjaro 20.0 Lysia available for download

Manjaro 20.0 was released a few days ago. This distribution, based on ArchLinux, but offers users easier installation and pre-installed packages so that users can get started right away without any additional settings.

How to install Deepin OS

Deepin is a Debian-based Linux distribution. Deepin uses its own working environment, which is really good. The Deepin desktop environment has a blurry transparency effect, and in fact, this is not found in any distribution. This is very similar to Apple Mac OS. The pre-installed software by default is also developed by the Deepin project, so it is well integrated with the operating system and works flawlessly.

eDEX-UI – Cool Terminal Emulator for Linux

eDEX-UI is a cool sci-fi inspired terminal emulator that looks great with tons of options like system monitoring. Let’s take a quick look at what he offers us.

You probably already know a lot of funny Linux commands. And what could be more interesting than the Linux command line? Of course, the terminal shell itself.

How to create a file in Linux

On Linux, we can create a new file in the terminal, or from the file manager on the desktop.

Knowing how to create a new file is an important skill for anyone who regularly uses Linux.

How to Enable Wobbly Windows Effect on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Wobbly windows were in fashion when I first started using Linux (indeed, they are part of why I started using Linux). But this feature has gone out of fashion and is not available on the GNOME desktop, which includes Ubuntu.